Essential Points For Creating A Responsive Website
Responsive Website

Considering the situation at which mobile web is extending, it has become extremely important to design a website that entices visitors who browse from a widely assorted range of varied screen size and devices. This brings Responsive web design into the picture. Responsive website offers an optimal viewing experience across multiple screen sizes. However, it is extremely important to follow some crucial practices if you want your responsive site to function well and offer the flexibility as it is required to.

Listed below are some tricks you need to follow along the way of creating a responsive design. Additionally, you can hire web designer who would seamlessly customize the user interface and user experience of a website design across varied devices and platforms.

  • Let your images be flexible and workable

Adaptive sizing is one of the easiest ways to make the website images flexible to a certain extent. This can be done in a variety of ways but the easiest one is use of adaptive images which automatically detects the screen size of visitor and creates cache, delivering re-scaled versions of web page’s embeded HTML images. These images also allow decent load speeds which does not hamper user experience.

  • Be aware of Breakpoints

Breakpoints reflect the way content shift when it’s displayed on screens of certain sizes. It is important to consider them early in the design process. On an average, every responsive site has 2 break points for tablets and mobile devices. The conventional method is using some fairly standard widths like 320 px, 768 px and 1024 px depending on varied screen sizes. However, a better approach is to let the content decide where your breakpoints occur. This can be done by resizing browser window and see if there is any room for improvement.

  • Scalable navigation

Navigation comes out to be one of the challenging aspects especially when dealing with large and deep menus. This is the reason developers focus on a clear and user-friendly navigation. Consistency should be incorporated in the navigation, including the labels used on button, links and other visual characters.

  • Use Icons where appropriate

Well-created iconography helps replace lengthy bursts of text and that is really helpful on small screens where space is at premium. Scalable vector graphics are the best fit for multiple device friendly site since they can be resized as required without adding to the file size of image themselves.

  • Link to Content which is not mobile-friendly

One of the key elements that make website extremely powerful is the capability to easily link visitors to different pages or content. However, the problem for responsive experiences occur when your device-agnostic site links to other non-responsive webpages.

When your responsive website links to other sites that you do not control, you will have to ensure that all of them provide a consistently positive responsive experience.


The popularity of mobile devices has changed the way user navigates. The huge space desktop designs were allotted with often distracted from a site’s core message. On the other hand, responsive website design makes things simple, quick and uncluttered. It lets users do what they want in a faster way.

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